• Why do I need a copywriter?

    A copywriter is another member of your team. I’m here to support you in growing your business and reaching your goals. There are so many little details involved in copy that you may not have the time, or desire, to keep up on. That’s where I come in, I know the latest in making your brand relevant and how to get it in front of the perfect customers or clients. You dig in and work on other areas of your business, I’ll handle this piece for you.

  • How long does it take to have personalized copy in hand?

    Each project is its own beast. Depending on the kind of copy we will be doing and my current schedule. It can take anywhere from 3 days to 2 weeks. It’s super variable so I recommend reaching out as soon as you know you are if you're on a time crunch and I’ll be able to give you the best time estimate then.

  • Do you only write for outdoor brands?


    Outdoor brands are my biggest love and where I personally spend most of my time around. I am totally open to chatting with you and learning about what projects you have in mind no matter the genre. If we are a good fit I’m happy to team up.

  • Do you only write for experience-based businesses?

    Definitely not.

    I love to write for any business I believe in. Whether you are an organization taking girls camping in the backcountry, a water bottle company on a mission, or a nonprofit leading the charge for inclusivity in the outdoors… I’m your girl, I LOVE it all!

  • Do you offer a writing and photography package?

    Hell yeah!

    I’d be STOKED to combine my two loves and help grow your business. If this is a route you are interested in you can check out my photography and hit the button below to let me know if you want to team up to cover both.