Meet Brenna

I’m Brenna, copywriter, strategist, photographer, and avid outdoors enthusiast

I’ve loved writing for as long as I can remember, there is nothing better than a good story. Writing has taken many forms in my life and I’m stoked to have landed where I am today. 

Writing copy for businesses like yours combines my secret love for nerdy statistics, mission-led outdoor organizations, and the art of writing. Whether you are just getting started in your business journey or you are an established brand looking to increase your offerings and level up, I’m your girl

Having grown up in the mountains I’ve long found healing and belonging within the outdoors. I’ve always been passionate about spreading that joy and encouraging others to see what it can do for them. This passion is what has led me to team up with businesses like yours. Sharing my marketing and copy strategy with your experiential business can help more people connect with nature.

Running a business can be hard, I know, I’ve been there. I’m here to take a task off your plate and help you create the kind of copy you and your business deserve. Think of everything you can accomplish in a day rather than, say, googling ‘what is SEO’ — the options are endless! You’ve done enough to get this business off the ground, let me help you reach the next level.

Beyond The Work

  • Woman standing in front of utah desert with camera


    I am an outdoor lifestyle and product photographer. When I’m outside I almost always have a camera in hand.

  • Woman skiing deep snow in utah


    I’ve been on skis since I was 2 years old and competed in ski jumping for 14 years. I no longer hit as many jumps but will be out there every chance I get.

  • Dog wearing baseball hat

    Dog Lover

    I am very obsessed with dogs. I believe they are just about the best thing on this planet and I haven’t been able to live without one since I was 5!

  • Biker

    When I was 8 I bet my dad that I would win my first mountain biking race. I was riding my older sister’s bike that was way too big, so if I won I’d get my own bike. Unfortunately for him, I won, and I’ve loved biking ever since!

  • Woman with Rainbow Trout


    After a road trip in Idaho and Montana with my partner, I decided I was sick of watching him and was ready to get my feet wet. Since then I’ve been hooked. 🤪