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How to Embrace Pain and Become Obsessed With Girl Gang Mountain Biking

I’m climbing up the aspen-lined single track on my favorite trail. My heart is pounding, my lungs and legs are burning and sweat is dripping off my chin. Then the question pops into my head, as it does almost every ride, "Why on earth do I love this sport?” It’s funny – it’s often painful, but I can't help but love the shit out of it.

I’ve been mountain biking since I was 8 years old, yet every ride is filled with burning legs, cramping toes, maybe a little blood, and occasionally a broken bone. Yet, at the end of (almost) every ride, I find myself smiling, laughing, and ready for the next one.

I know I’m not alone in this! My friend Kalin, who started mountain biking a few years ago, told me about the “tears, swear words, and promises of never doing this again” that stream out of her on many uphill climbs. But at the end of each ride she’s in the parking lot stoked about how much fun she had. The pain and misery of the last hour were left behind in the dust.

I’m sure mountain biking is painful for dudes as well, but there is a special shared misery/love that makes riding with other women so much fun. I always liked mountain biking but it wasn’t until I had a regular group with other women that I started to LOVE it.

No girl biker gang of your own? No problem.

Starting next Wednesday we are kicking off the summer with our first ladies’ night ride, whether you’re a newb or long-time rider there is space for you. To get you pumped up for the first ride of the season here is what you can expect out of life in the saddle with the girls. 

4 Common ways ladies struggle with mountain biking

On every ride, there are some struggles that you just can’t get away from. Seasoned riders and newbies all face these to one degree or another. Let’s break down the most common challenges we all face when in the saddle. 

  1. The mental and emotional challenge 

This is something experienced at every level of riding and in most other sports. To mentally stay in it when your legs are burning, your lungs hurt and you don’t feel like you can do another foot, is one of the hardest parts. 

Mountain biking can be grueling – there is no way around that. 

But pushing yourself, getting stronger and seeing improvements is so worth it! It’s always fun to have a good laugh back at the car about the meltdowns everyone had on the ride.

2. Sore and then numb vajajay 

I don’t care what other people say, the pain is real. The chamois, which is the padding in your shorts, (or sham-wow as it’s affectionately known) has come a long way over the years, but there is nothing that can quite fix this feeling. 

Bumping down rocks and hitting your pelvic / sit bones into your seat for over an hour takes its toll. First, it hurts – then goes completely numb…It’s all part of the territory

My advice: spend the extra dough on a good chamois and a comfortable seat, any help you can get will be money well spent!

3. Physical Challenge

This is part of the reason you're doing it though, right? 

There is 100% no way around this one, it will always be a physical challenge. Whether testing your fitness or your technique, there is always a challenge to push through. This push can be awesome or awful - but the sense of accomplishment you feel after can’t be beaten. Challenges change the more you ride, but that’s the fun part. 

Hopefully, you have some ladies on your ride who encourage you through these challenges and celebrate your accomplishments.

4. Risk 

No risk, no reward, amirite?! Ehh, not always. There is an inherent risk with anything we do. And speeding down a tree-lined trail on 2 wheels is no exception. Crashes happen, blood happens, but it’s not the norm. Comfort in your abilities and voicing any concerns will go a long way toward eliminating unnecessary risk. 

Do accidents still happen? Yep. 

Do bones heal? They sure do. 

It’s not always fun but as someone that has broken at least one bone and had a few sprains, it’s really not that big of a deal and usually avoidable (like learning how to quickly get out of clips before taking them on a technical trail! Ahem like the time I couldn’t get out of my clips on a rocky trail and ended up with a broken elbow. Not fun.)

Don’t worry, it’s not all doom and gloom out there on the trail! Riding with the girls has an upside so huge that you need to give it a try at least once. Let's chat about the best reasons you should bike with the girls.

Top reasons to ride with a girl gang

  1. Snacks! 

Yep, women pack the best snacks and aren’t ashamed of a little snack break mid-ride. 

Hopping off the bikes and sitting in the dirt to enjoy some salty and sweet snacks is one of the best parts of the ride - in my opinion. It allows you to bond over whatever rad or awful thing just happened and gets you fueled for the next leg of the ride. Also, snacks are a must because bonking (hitting a wall or cramping up) is the absolute worst! 

Always bring snacks.

2. Laughter

Life is too short to take something like biking too seriously. You’re getting exercise in the outdoors and a healthy boost of adrenaline. How lucky are you to be in the outdoors cruising around in the dirt? Laugh

Laugh to keep yourself from crying.

Laugh to keep your friends from crying.

Laugh at the beauty around you.

Laugh because this is supposed to be fun.

3. Encouragement

Before riding with my girls, I never received encouragement on the bike…which is fine… but, encouragement makes it much more fun

Keeping your friends motivated and stoked is a huge part of what makes biking fun. 

Trusting your girls when they tell you that you can send it on that steep scary line you would never do on your own, will bring your skills to the next level. 

The stoke back at the parking lot is real when:

  • You send down or off on something you never thought you could

  • Ride further than you ever have 


  • Tackle a long exhausting climb without stopping…

 And you got through it all thanks to your buds.

4. Sound effects

I’m sure this isn’t a perk you expected, but I challenge you to give it a try! 

Sound effects take your mind off of the task at hand, lighten the mood and might even get the dudes to relax and laugh. 

Here are a few to test on your next ride: “weeeeee”, “zooooooom” or “baaahhhh”, it’s super fun!

Ready to get riding with some awesome gals?

I know there are a lot of ladies out there who are intimidated by the perceived intensity of mountain biking, so a ride with snacks, laughter, encouragement and a few sound effects sounds more fun.

Are you someone who has felt intimidated in the past? 

Are you looking for a little outdoor adventure with some girls? 

Are you wanting a chill way to blow off steam after work with a bunch of rad new friends? 

Then you have to check out our Wednesday night rides. (check the deets below)


Every Wednesday, as long as the trails are dry, we’ll RIDE! Rides will be one hour long, leaving right from the shop. We have a few different route options, and every ride has something for everyone.

What to bring:

  • bike gear (or come early and rent from us)

  • some tasty mid-ride snacks

  • flippy flops/comfortable footwear for after the ride

After the ride, we will gather in the back lot, and crack open a tasty adult beverage (NA and gluten-free options available). Come hang out for some riding, laughs and a great time with an awesome group of women.

Click here to sign up for the next ride 

Please give us a call at xxx-xxx-xxxx with any questions.

Can’t wait to see you there!!